Logo design for indie record label Invultuated Records. Vertical and horizontal versions created. This particular record label focuses on dark themed music so an edgy dark font was chosen for the company name. The icon depicts a voodoo needle piercing the record and the aftermath being pieces melting off from the intensity. The biohazard symbol was incorporated in a subtle way to add to the almost sinister concept. The sqewed red square background was created to give an uneasy feel to the logo.
invultuation (ɪnˌvʌltʃʊˈeɪʃən)
— n
the use of or the act of making images of people, animals, etc, for witchcraft
— n
the use of or the act of making images of people, animals, etc, for witchcraft

Business Card
Front and back of business card design. The squewed line element was added to the front to relate back to the branding. A spot gloss was incorporated on the logo icon and the "vinyl record" lines in the back.

Photo of printed piece.

Interim website for indie record label Invultuated Records. A show schedule widget from Reverbnation was embedded on the homepage to make it easier for fans to view and get updates on local shows.
View live site here: www.InvultuatedRecords.com

Facebook Cover
Cover graphic for Facebook page displaying recent CD releases.